
Friday 22 March 2013

Adam & Eve

In the beginning there was Adam and Eve.....

           God made Eve from Adams rib therefore they were two parts of a whole. Eve loved Adam so much that she wanted to share everything with him, hence her offering him the fruit  of the tree of knowledge. Also Adam  loved Eve so much that he was willing to disobey God for her.

       In 21st century terms every man out there has a woman that has been made and designed for him and the same goes for every woman there is a man out there just for her. However it is not always easy for them to find each other.

         With that said men if you find yourself with a woman that makes your life miserable and doesn't appreciate you, do not waste your time and for heaven sake do not marry her for that is not who God has for you. I'm so tired of seeing people trapped in an unhappy marriage because they went out and married the first thing they fell for.  She is definitely not your Eve. Likewise women if a man mistreats you, abuses you and makes you cry he is not your Adam.

           Keep in mind guys and gals that no one in their right mind abuses and mistreats themselves and and if you are a part of them that makes you one. The Bible tells you that when a man and woman marries that they become one but don't wait until you've already committed yourself in marriage to realize that you got the wrong one. Observe the signs, they are usually there from the beginning. Find that person that completes you, do not settle until you've found your Adam/Eve.

          The goal in life when it comes to love is to live happily ever after or as close to it as we can get, for no one is perfect. We can not accomplish this if we are involved with the wrong person. To often we don't realize what I call the Adam and Eve complex and we end up in divorce court...this is seen in the countless amounts of marriages that the celebrities that we admire so much run in and out. We should not model our lives around them but instead seek to find that person that we share a rib with.  I haven't found my soul mate yet but I refuse to settle for less than a man that who lives to see a smile on my face. That man is my Adam.


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