
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

        A friend recently told me that "Just because one door closes, doesn't mean its the end just look around you for you will be sure to find the new door that has opened." Even though this phrase is so cliche it is also so true.

         Things don't always end up as we want it. Be it in our relationships, our jobs or in school. We don't always enjoy the end result, however who is to say its the end of the road? Only we can determine whether we sit down and cry over what we have lost or pick ourselves up and push ahead.

            I was raised to believe that everything happens for a reason. That God has written the plan for our lives before we were even born so he knows what obstacles we are to face however,how we get over them is completely up to us and our faith in him.

            To often we sit down and plan out our lives not keeping in mind that what we want may not be in Gods big plan for us. So when that man/woman in our lives turns out not to be the right one we want to give up on love all together forgetting that the right person that God has for us is still out there. Sometimes he or she is right there but we are so caught up in the past that we bypass them completely. When we get fired from that job we worked so hard on we act as if the world has come to an end disregarding the fact that there may be a better job out there for us all we have to do is look around .

         Everyone encounters that moment when it becomes necessary to let go of the past and look to the future it may be hard but it is necessary. If we continue to cling to what could have been we will lose out on what is meant to be. You can't live your life filled with regrets from the past so always look for that open door and walk right through it.