
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Speak Out (Who is to blame?)

             There is something seriously wrong with society today when even the children are not safe. There are people out there that have so much evil in their hearts that they think nothing of harming our little darlings.
How could a father molest and kill his own two year son? How can a man kill his mother then walk into an elementary/primary school and kill twenty, five and six year olds? The sane among us sit and wonder "What the hell are we coming to?"

                  Americans say that America has gone crazy, Bahamians say the Bahamas has gone crazy and I'm sure that when kids are harmed in other countries they say the same. But it is not just an American or Bahamian thing that is happening. Injustices against children are happening every day in the majority if not all of the countries around the world. Truth is the whole world has gone crazy and has turned it's back on our precious babies.

                    The thing about human beings is that we too like to play the blame game. We blame the politicians, we blame the church, we blame the schools but the last place we ever place any blame is on ourselves.What do we expect to happen when we sit back and allow a twenty plus year old man to carry on a relationship with a 14 year old and to get her pregnant. This right here should never have been allowed to happen. I know sometimes kids sneak around but from the day you as a parent found out who she was pregnant for charges should have been filed and he should have been arrested. Obviously he is a child molester, that girl wasn't even close to the age of consent. The child is now here and Daddy is allowed to babysit at times. Two years later the boy is dead and evidence of molestation is found and all of this happened while in the molester... oops sorry Daddy's care. Who can we blame people? He molested mommy for shes is now only 15 years old why did we feel that it was safe for him to have unsupervised visits. That man was supposed to be incarcerated two years hes incarcerated but an innocent child is dead and this could have been avoided if we had just done it the right way from the beginning. The parents/guardians of that girl have no one to blame but themselves. In fact the whole community is responsible.

                               In Sandy Hook Connecticut  a young man armed with assault guns found in his home marched into an elementary school and shot 20 little angels. I cried that day even though I did not know any of those kids, it was the idea of a grown man deciding that those children didn't need to live before their lives even started that bothered me the most. Who dropped the ball on this one? Was it the  U.S. government with their slack gun laws? Was it the mother who owned the guns and took him to the range? Or was it Daddy dearest that left his child with an unstable woman because obviously to have assault weapons in her home her mental health can be questioned. I vote for all of the above. As humans we have to learn to take responsibility for all of the things that we do and accept the consequences. Twenty angels are dead because all of these people dropped the ball.

                               Like I mentioned earlier injustices against children is a problem all over the world. In the middle East children are sold as slaves and used  as prostitutes. In some countries they are trained to be soldiers and placed in the front line where they act as shields for the adults. Children are so innocent and instead of us playing the blame game or acting as if we don't see the crimes against them lets speak out. Let us do the humane thing and report what we can to the proper authorities and work towards keeping our children safe. They can't defend themselves so let us do it for them and then maybe there won't be a dead two year old boy molested and killed by his father or 20 dead five and  six year olds.


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