
Thursday 4 April 2013

Life is to Important!

              Never in all my 27+  years on this earth have I  seen so many suicides or attempted suicides  here in The Bahamas as I have recently. It may seem a little bit harsh but I have to say this to those of you that feel like things are so bad that you can't bare to go on and you want to take your own life I have to say.....STOP BEING SO SELFISH AND HAVE SOME LOVE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY. If  God didn't love you and have a propose for you then you wouldn't be here and there are people in your life that love you  that would be badly hurt because you so selfishly took your own life.

               So many children out there  are forced to grow up with out a mother or father just because their parents/parents were so selfish that they could not see past their own grief and troubles. When the death is being reported people always come on and tell the reporters that he or she was depressed because they were out of a job or the bills kept piling up. People that knew the dead person  never forget to talk about how dedicated they were to their family. Like really you're dedicated? Isn't it going to be harder for your kids if your're not around? Who  is going to raise them? Who is going to help the family member that is left? Everything we do affects those around us. It is selfish of us to only think about ourselves and the pain that we are feeling.

                  Now a days even the teenagers are trying to kill themselves. Your life hasn't even started yet  why would you be so anxious to end it. I know life is not always easy for some of them but to take
your own life when you don't even know what God has in store for you yet is just to sad. To that young lady that tried to take her life because a guy broke her heart, all I can say to that is how in the world could you lower yourself  to the extent that being with a guy means more to you than  you living your life and achieving your dreams?

                     We as human beings need to realize our self worth. To often we base our happiness on the opinion of others or on being with someone. We are all precious gems hand crafted by God, created with a purpose that only him can reveal. God created us in his likeness, he sent his son to die for us so that we may live. He is our refuge in times of storm. I pity those of you that instead of turning to him for help feel like you have to take  matters into your own hands. Though we may be stressed and feel unloved or like the world is against us it  is never so. God is always walking besides us but we have to learn to turn to him. He can't help us if we don't let him in. I'm been down before. I've been tired and there was a time when I couldn't see my way out but I trusted him and he lifted me up. Life was never promised to be easy but put your hand in his and then you will realize just how much life has to offer you and trust me you will want to stick around.

Word to the wise love yourself so much that your life becomes to valuable to take away. Don't ever let the problems win. Don't give up on life until it gives up on you.