
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Never Beat Someone With Someone Else's Stick

       I used to hear the old people say; "you never beat someone with someone else's stick" which translates to although someone has wronged you in the past you shouldn't treat others as if they would do the same. Every one is different.

    Just because someone hurt you in the past doesn't mean that you should constantly carry that hurt around with you. What is going to happen is that you are going to meet someone and because you're still walking around in the past so to speak you're going to take out that stick and that person is going to get beat for all of the mess that your previous partner left behind.

           You can't start over if you constantly dwell on the past. The past is the past and although it may be hard you should give your new friend/partner a chance to show you how they feel about you and to prove themselves. I'm not saying completely forget what you went through, however what I am saying is learn from it and push forward.

             Chances are while you are treating that new person with mistrust and holding them at arms length you are going lose out. As human beings we can only take so much and its only a matter of time despite how strongly we may feel for you before we walk away. You would kick yourself if the one that you let get away turns out to be the one that you were looking for all along.

                I personally have been wronged many times in the past but I've never believed in treating my new friend as if he were the one that wronged me. "I believe in the term innocent until proven guilty" therefore I give everyone a fair shake to prove themselves. So far all have failed but I'm going to keep at it until I get it right. I would hate for my Prince Charming to get away because I'm blaming him for something that had nothing at all to do with him.

                   A lot of good people tend to be ignored by us because we continue to dwell in the past but I say its time to put down that stick and give someone new a chance to show you love. You never know, that person may just be the one for you.

Friday 14 June 2013

Sometimes You Have To Take A Step Back

          Sometimes when you love someone so much  you can see that instead of helping them work through their issues being with you is just creating a bigger strain, you need to take a step back. Its not always easy because you never know how things will end up. The possibility of them never coming back to you is enormous. If you love them though you would give them their space.

             Love is a game that we play  and the odds are often stacked against us but sometimes we have to take that risk and let go. We like to think that because we offer that shoulder to lean on or that listening ear that we are a great comfort to our loved ones but sometimes we make the burden even heavier.We sometimes place those that we loved smack dab in the middle of their issues and us which often leaves them torn and confused. They may say that we aren't crowding them or making things difficult for them but be realistic, often times we know that it is just because they do not want to hurt our feelings.

              I believe if the love that is shared with you and that person is real and is meant to be then he or she will carry that with them and when they are completely healed they will be back. You need to take a step back  and allow them to go through their healing process for only then can you be sure if what is there is real. However before you take a step back make sure that he or she knows that you're still there for them if they need you at least for a time, because we all know that some people try to sucker you.

                 It may be a risk but don't be afraid to let them go for a while for what is meant to be will be.


Wednesday 12 June 2013

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

        A friend recently told me that "Just because one door closes, doesn't mean its the end just look around you for you will be sure to find the new door that has opened." Even though this phrase is so cliche it is also so true.

         Things don't always end up as we want it. Be it in our relationships, our jobs or in school. We don't always enjoy the end result, however who is to say its the end of the road? Only we can determine whether we sit down and cry over what we have lost or pick ourselves up and push ahead.

            I was raised to believe that everything happens for a reason. That God has written the plan for our lives before we were even born so he knows what obstacles we are to face however,how we get over them is completely up to us and our faith in him.

            To often we sit down and plan out our lives not keeping in mind that what we want may not be in Gods big plan for us. So when that man/woman in our lives turns out not to be the right one we want to give up on love all together forgetting that the right person that God has for us is still out there. Sometimes he or she is right there but we are so caught up in the past that we bypass them completely. When we get fired from that job we worked so hard on we act as if the world has come to an end disregarding the fact that there may be a better job out there for us all we have to do is look around .

         Everyone encounters that moment when it becomes necessary to let go of the past and look to the future it may be hard but it is necessary. If we continue to cling to what could have been we will lose out on what is meant to be. You can't live your life filled with regrets from the past so always look for that open door and walk right through it.